Thursday, March 26, 2015

March Mayhem

Boy oh boy the time of year where boys are bummed about football ending so they rotate to the next sport! Yes, that was sexist AND opinionated of me but I'm just mad at myself that I never really got into watching basketball. I am quite athletic and am pretty fluent in sports talk with my guys friends since I actually understand the concept.

Basketball I can watch in person but for only a short time and this angers me. I can watch hours of football and not get bored and THAT is something to be proud of but basketball just doesn't cut it for me. I feel so out of loop with all the March Madness brackets and especially being in group chats with guys makes this an everyday isolation.

Two years ago I had a teacher who had us all make our own brackets and whoever won got a bacon egg and cheese from him. Now If you knew me personally, the word bacon egg and cheese makes my ears perk up immediately. It is on my list of probably top 10 favorite things ever, so within minutes I was asking around for help with my bracket. I ended up googling popular brackets and took something random. Since all those games usually happen around the same time I got out 2 laptops and watched 4 games at once trying to remember which team I was rooting for.

Long and boring story short, I lost and to this day I still have harsh feelings for this Madness de March. I guess it can be a positive time for people to bond or argue through? Mainly something to occupy guys and girls who enjoy the nothing but net basketball feeling that I never quite inherited.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

A Snapchat Bond

I didn't have a smartphone all throughout high school and I was well aware at what I was missing out on. I knew there were group chats and apps that left me out of the loop but the main detachment I had was my lack of the app, Snapchat.

A simple app where you literally take a picture or video of anything and send it for 1-10 seconds. It really blew up in high school and I still think it is a simple yet genius idea for an app. It is a great way to share things, most are comical but is also a different approach and conversing. It does exactly what we complain that texting takes away from us. It shows us emotions in our responses and how we want to portray our message. Although it is condensed to few characters and seconds you really have to be creative.

It actually made users "bond" is the only word I can think to describe it. You don't just add ANYBODY as a snapchat friend, it has to be people you wouldn't mind sending your face or surroundings too. It let people become closer and share things you can't always do through text. That's why the second I got my iphone it was the first app I downloaded and still my most used one!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Media Guilt?

As much as the older generations complain about kids being to into their devices, we'd probably be much worse without it. These complaints are usually just because they don't understand what our devices are capable of. Yes, there are times in which we can be completely consumed by it all but I'd rather that than complain about the ignorance in our generation.

Most of what people see is from behind the screen. They see us staring and scrolling but with everything open to us through our fingertips we could actually be looking at ANYTHING. I know some people who will get yelled to "stop texting" when actually they are reading a book online. There is a point where people can get too consumed but it's nothing to be guilted out off.

Through twitter I can get information about what's trending worldwide and see how people are discussing it. It gives me the information to grasp my attention and where to go to read more on topics. Adults shouldn't degrade us from our form of communication, it helps us keep up in the news and to keep advancing with the generations.

We should learn how to promote the exploration of media but also have a healthy amount of time with contact to device while also picking our head up to realize the world around us. I also think the older generations should learn that things will never go back to dial telephones and fireside chats and to just accept it.