Thursday, February 5, 2015

A Day (Lifetime) Without Media

We had one task and it was to simply not use any source of media for 24 hours. This was referring to cell phone or computer usage, and I thought oh yeah I can handle that. I only received a smartphone for the first time in August, so I basically I trained my whole life for this moment... well yeah okay I failed.

ALRIGHT before jumping to any conclusions I tried SO hard. I told myself before going to bed that i would use my alarm and then not check any snapchats or text messages and so on. This went so well until the alarm actually went off and I had 17 unread text messages... I decided to read them but not respond and THEN start the challenge.

Well then that turned into checking snapchats and not responding, which I managed to do... for about 45 minutes when I finished getting ready for class and realized I still had a full hour till I had to leave. I usually reserve this time for Netflix, so i decided to call my mom instead... (Thanks to this assignment I actually called my mom for the first time in a while so thats the only good thing to come from this) 

Then I started going to class and subconsciously responded to a snapchat and thought that was probably my last strike. I decided the least I could do was not use twitter, instagram or Netflix. But then I got to work and this assignment found its tragic end. 

If my life depended on it I believe I could definitely last a full 24hours without media, but because i knew I would find another breath of oxygen after giving into my temptations.. I did just that!

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